7 Best Waterproof Cycling Shoe Covers for Winter

Best Waterproof Cycling Shoe Cover
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Cycling shoe covers are a great addition to your winter cycling gear collection, mainly because they protect your feet from the cold and wetness that come with the cold weather.

First off, these covers keep your feet warm by trapping the natural warmth generated by the feet. 

The best waterproof cycling shoe covers are made from warm and insulating materials like neoprene or fleece, to keep cold at bay and avoid things like frostbite. So, you get to pedal without your toes freezing off.

I’ve rounded up the best waterproof shoe covers that really deliver on durability, keeping you warm, and overall quality. It’s not just about keeping your feet dry; it’s also about having gear you can trust for cold weather rides, whether you’re a casual commuter or all-in on winter cycling.

So, keep reading to find out which waterproof cycling shoe covers will make your winter biking a whole lot better.

But first, here are the most important features a cycling shoe cover needs to have:

  • Sufficient insulation to retain warmth
  • Compatible with your specific type of cycling shoes, cleats, and pedals 
  • Waterproof—or at least water-resistant—to protect your feet from moisture
  • Windproof to prevent cold air from penetrating the shoe cover
  • Adjustable closures like zippers, Velcro straps, or elastic cuffs
  • Easy to put on and take off, especially when you’re layering up for cold weather riding
  • Reflective elements or strips that improve your visibility to other road users
  • Durable stitching, and high-quality materials for longevity

Do you really need cycling shoe covers for winter cycling?

You don’t absolutely need cycling shoe covers for winter cycling, but they sure make things a lot cozier and safer. These covers keep your feet warm, dry, and protected from the biting cold and wet weather. 

They trap heat, keep out moisture, and block chilly winds, so you can pedal around comfortably in the cold. 

Sure, there are other ways to stay warm, like layering up or using different gear, but good cycling shoe covers are a smart choice to keep your feet feeling great and protected during winter rides. 

7 Best Waterproof Cycling Shoe Covers For Winter 

1. CXWXC Cycling Shoe Covers Neoprene Waterproof Overshoes

I recently tried out this Waterproof Cycling Shoe Cover for my winter commutes, and I must say, they’re worth every penny. These shoe covers kept my feet dry and surprisingly warm, even in temperatures around 40F.

The build-quality feels solid with its sturdy stitching, reinforced seams, and that tough kevlar base to ensure longevity.

The combination of neoprene, nylon, rubber, and kevlar on the outside, paired with microfleece polyester inside, does an excellent job of shielding against dampness and cold.

Plus, getting them on and off is a breeze with the side zipper and storm flap. I also appreciate the 37mm rubber velcro strap—it not only keeps things snug but makes them versatile for activities like a variety of outdoor winter sports.

And lastly, the reflective logo is a nice touch for riding in low-light conditions.

2. Lipport Waterproof Cycling Shoe Covers 

I’ve tried out the Lipport Waterproof Cycling Shoe Covers during my winter bike rides, and it’s been a bit of a mixed experience. They’re sturdy and fit my shoes well, which is great. They keep out wind and water, but aren’t super warm, even with that 100% PU layer.

That said, the inside feels nice and cozy. The hidden zipper is a handy touch, letting me put them on and take them off quickly without letting water in.

They’re also easy to carry around since they’re lightweight and foldable. For the price, they’re decently made and durable, but I wish they kept my feet warmer in colder weather.

3. ROCKBROS Water-Resistant Thermal Cycling Shoe Covers 

The cycling overshoes are very lightweight, portable, and live up to their promise of keeping your feet warm. I’ve tested them in light to medium rain, and my feet remained dry throughout.

One standout feature for me is the zipper that completely opens up, which is a blessing for those of us with larger feet—it’s a breeze to put them on.

They’re definitely windproof and water-resistant, but not waterproof. The inside feels nice and cozy, plus, the ankle fits just right, without squeezing your shoes too tight, and the bottom velcro strap is tough.

They’re also very easy to clean. All in all, if you’re looking for reliable, warm, and easy-to-use shoe covers, I’d definitely recommend giving these a try.

4. GIYO Neoprene Waterproof and WinterProof Cycling Shoes Covers

These shoe covers are made with waterproof Neoprene outside and soft Microfleece polyester inside, and they keep your feet warm and shielded from the cold wind.

These overshoes are incredibly warm, even on wet or snowy days. The tough, wear-resistant Kevlar soles add durability, and the reflective parts will help cars see you better when biking at night.

And with the handy waterproof zipper, they’re easy to put on or remove. Honestly, for anyone who enjoys biking in the winter, these covers will give you warmth, comfort, and safety all at once.

5. ROCKBROS Windproof, Thermal Bike Shoe Covers 

These are another good choice from ROCKBROS. They’re lightweight yet surprisingly warm, thanks to the light fleece lining. Plus, pedaling with them feels natural; they don’t get in the way at all.

However, if you’re braving freezing temperatures, you might want to consider thicker options like neoprene.

These shoe covers are ideal for moderately chilly or not-too-freezing days. They have a windproof thermal design that ensures a comfortable ride, and the thermal fleece lining will keep your feet warm and cozy. 

While they’re good for keeping warm, I noticed they’re not entirely waterproof, so they’re better suited for cold weather but not when it’s wet out there.

The zipper design is smooth, which stops cold winds from sneaking in, and makes those frosty rides a lot more bearable.

6. ROCKBROS Cycling Shoe Toe Covers

If you want reliable, warm toe covers that are easy to maintain, these are a solid pick. These covers really block out the wind and handle rain showers very well.

They do an excellent job protecting against light rain – so you’ll have no need to dry out your shoes after commuting.

And they fit perfectly over SPD cycling shoes, leaving enough room for clipping in and out effortlessly. The Kevlar band at the bottom is a smart touch, and provides some extra durability and protection from dust and dirt.

Putting them on is a breeze with the elastic fabric and adjustable strap. And the best part? They’re very easy to clean—you can throw them in with your laundry a few times, and they still look brand new. 

7. ROCKBROS Water-Resistant Windproof Cycling Shoe Covers 

If you’re looking for reliable, warm, and easy-to-use shoe covers for winter cycling, these are a great choice. The quality is top-notch, especially for the price point, and they’re a breeze to put on and take off. Plus, they keep your feet warm.

While they’re not exactly waterproof, they do provide decent protection against the cold and some splashes from puddles.

The fleeced inside adds a cozy touch, making them comfortable for winter rides. The Kevlar on the front adds durability, and the high reflective logo is a nice safety feature for night cycling.

Plus, they’re lightweight and foldable, which means they’re easy to store. If you want warm, reliable shoe covers for winter, these are a winner.

Great Options for Winter Cycling Shoes for Men

Lake Winter Cycling Shoes for Men

I’ve been tackling winter commutes with the Lake Winter Cycling Shoes for Men, and they’ve been a game-changer. Designed for the cold, icy, or rainy conditions, these shoes live up to their promise of keeping feet warm and dry.

The Pitards WR100 leather not only offers water resistance but is also breathable, ensuring your feet stay comfortable, even in freezing weather.

What stands out is the grip; the Vibram sole is solid on both icy and snowy surfaces. Despite being robust, they’re not bulky, which is a plus.

The 3M Thinsulate liner does an excellent job of keeping cold out, especially around the toes. And the BOA closure is a winner, providing a snug fit without any pressure points.

If you’re determined to ride year-round, these shoes are worth every penny for their quality and performance.

Lake Men’s Winter Cycling Shoe

If you enjoy hardcore winter rides, and want warmth and performance, these boots are a worthy investment.

These shoes are designed for serious winter riding, and they keep your feet super warm even when it’s below 40°F outside. The inside feels cozy, thanks to that thermal insole that traps heat well. These boots are seriously tough and hold up well, even after lots of wear.

What stands out for me is their smart design. The bigger BOA dial at the front is super handy, especially when you’re wearing thick winter gloves.

It gives a tight fit without sacrificing comfort. They’re really comfortable too, with plenty of space for thick socks, and your toes have lots of wiggle room.

The Pittards leather fits snugly, and the Vibram sole provides great traction, whether you’re biking or walking on snowy paths. Plus, with the Thinsulate lining, your feet stay warm, which is essential for anyone riding hard in the winter.

Buying Guide: Features to Consider When Choosing Cycling Shoe Covers

Insulated cycling shoe covers are essential for keeping your feet warm and dry during winter cycling. When selecting insulated shoe covers, consider the following important features:


One of the primary reasons for using cycling shoe covers in winter is mainly to keep your feet warm. These covers are made of materials like neoprene or fleece that trap heat, stopping the cold from getting in.

Good insulation means your feet stay cozy because the covers can trap heat and keep your feet warm, so you can ride without getting bothered by icy toes.


Having waterproof shoe covers in the winter is necessary in winter because it’s often wet and snowy.

A waterproof or water-resistant shoe cover prevents water from soaking your cycling shoes and feet, and this in turn will keep your feet dry and insulated from external elements.

It’s not just uncomfortable when your feet get wet—this can make you lose heat fast and put you at risk for getting too cold.

Plus, keeping your feet dry will make your cycling shoes last longer since they won’t get messed up by water. So it’s important that your cycling shoe covers are waterproof.


Wind-proofing is very important in winter cycling shoe covers, because a windproof layer prevents the cold air from getting into your shoe cover.

Cold winds can make it feel way colder than it really is, especially around your feet. And having a windproof layer in your shoe covers keeps that chilly air out and helps your feet stay warm and cozy.

This not only keeps you comfortable, but also saves your energy, especially when you’re going fast, or it’s super windy. 

Adjustable closure system

You also need to get the right fit on your shoe covers because a snug fit keeps the cold out and the warmth in, making sure your feet are warm at a consistent temperature.

Whether it’s zippers, Velcro, or elastic cuffs, having adjustable closures means you can get the perfect fit no matter your foot shape or shoe size.

The right fit and a secure closure ensures that your shoe covers stay put, which means no slipping or sliding around while you ride.

Plus, a good fit makes your feet more streamlined, cuts down on wind resistance, and helps you pedal more efficiently, especially when you’re racing or training.

Compatible with your cycling shoes

It’s also important for cycling shoe covers to be compatible with your specific biking shoes, cleats, and pedals. That’s why some shoe covers have special openings or designs to fit different cleats and pedal setups.

When everything fits well together, you won’t have to worry about anything getting in the way of your ride. This makes sure you can pedal smoothly and stay in control with no restrictions in your movement. 

Easy to use

The best cycling shoe covers are easy to wear, this is important because when you’re gearing up for winter cycling, things can get a bit tricky with all the layers and gloves.

That’s why it’s always best to have cycling shoe covers that are easy to put on and take off. Look for shoe covers with handy zippers, pull tabs, and stretchy materials that make it a breeze to get them on and off.

Easy-to-use covers also mean you’re not yanking or pulling too hard, so they don’t wear out too quickly. This will ensure longevity and reliability throughout the winter season.

Reflective elements

Reflective elements on your cycling shoe covers are important for improving your visibility on the road. They help with being seen, especially when it’s dark or cloudy, like during morning or evening rides.

This makes it easier for drivers, cyclists, and other road users to notice you, which keeps everyone safer on the road. These reflective parts stand out against the background, making sure you’re visible from afar.

They also help people see you better when you’re turning or signaling, making the road a more aware place for everyone.


When you’re biking in the winter, you need cycling shoe covers that can handle a lot—like the cold, wetness, and lots of use.

Which is why it’s best to get shoe covers that are built to last. Good ones have strong stitching, high-quality materials, and extra reinforcement in spots that get a lot of wear and tear.

This means they won’t wear out quickly, keeping you covered all winter long. Plus, by choosing durable shoe covers, you save money in the long haul since you won’t have to replace them as often.

Cycling Shoe Covers vs Cold Weather Cycling Shoes: Which Is Better?

Both cycling shoe covers and winter cycling shoes are designed to keep your feet warm during cold weather rides, but they are a bit different. And deciding between the two comes down to what you like, where you’re riding, how much you want to spend, and what you really need.

Let’s break it down to help you figure out which one works best for you:

Cycling Shoe Covers:

  • Versatility: Cycling shoe covers work with the shoes you already have, giving you added warmth, protection from water, and shielding from the wind without needing to buy special winter cycling shoes. It’s a good way to get your regular shoes ready for colder weather without breaking the bank.
  • Customization: With shoe covers, you can pick the right amount of warmth, water resistance, and wind protection depending on how cold or wet it is outside. You can choose lightweight covers for moderate cold or heavily insulated options for  when it’s freezing. 
  • Compatibility: These shoe covers are pretty much compatible with all kinds of cycling shoes, cleats, and pedals. So, you can keep that familiar feel and performance you like with your regular cycling shoes.

Cold Weather Cycling Shoes:

  • All-in-one Design: Winter cycling shoes are made just for those cold weather rides, incorporating warmth, waterproofing, wind protection, and more in a complete all-in-one package. So, you don’t have to fuss with extra layers or gear—it’s all built right in for easy use.
  • Better Performance: Specialized winter cycling shoes are built to function in cold weather. So, they’re often made with advanced materials, superb insulation, fit and smart designs to keep you comfy and pedaling efficiently, even in very cold weather.
  • Durability: Winter cycling shoes are tough cookies. They’re made to handle cold, wet, and snowy conditions, even with prolonged exposure to the elements, and your feet stay protected and warm ride after ride.

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